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In addition to our general fundraising, we raise funds through grants, special campaigns, and directed donations.  These funds are earmarked for specific programs, funds or scholarships as directed by the donor or grantor.  The following is a list of these scholarships and funds.


Academic Support and Enhancements


The Olivia V. Erhardt LO.V.E Fund

To honor the life of Olivia Erhardt, her love of science and her desire to help others in need, the Erhardt family has worked with the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), the Mariemont School Foundation and community members to establish the Olivia V. Erhardt Memorial Fund for Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows.


International Experiential Learning Program

Established by an anonymous donor to support international experiential learning programs, but not for the Leadership Summit run by EF Tours. Distribution of funds will be at the discretion of Tricia Buchert, Administrator, or her replacement. The Foundation and Administrator will consult with the donor for any distributions greater than $1,000.


The Donn Davis Entrepreneurship Program

Established by Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Donn Davis to finance a Shark Tank like entrepreurship competition at the High School.

Value: $1,500 grant awarded annually to winning group.


The World Language Fund

Established by the Thomas Anthony Sullivan Foundation to finance the World language program in grades K – 8.

Value: $55,000 annual distribution.




Trinity Scholarship Program

Established by an anonymous donor to recognize a Mariemont High School student who demonstrated the principles of the Kindness, Courage and Respect Retreats delivered by Youth Frontiers during the student’s duration in the District. Award sent to directly to the student’s college.

Value: $3,000 scholarship, $1,000/year for three years

Recipient selected by: MHS Principal and the donor


Fritz Valentine Baseball Fund

Established in memory of alumna Fritz Valentine, by his sisters, to honor his love for life and exceptional athleticism. This award is given to a MHS athlete excelling in baseball and is to be used for extra training in the sport. Award sent to camp or trainer selected by recipient.

Value: $400 annual award

Recipient selected by: Varsity Baseball Coach


Scheaffer MSF Track Scholarship

Established by the father of an alumni who enjoyed participating in track. This award is given to a MHS graduating senior athlete excelling in track. Award given to recipient.

Value: $500 annual award, Scholarship ends when Jeff Timmers retires

Recipient selected by: Varsity Track Coach – Jeff Timmers


McKee-Fordyce Scholarship

Established in honor of Steve McKee by a MHS alumni, Mike Fordyce, who received the Steve McKee Scholarship when he was a MHS senior. This award is given to a senior Athlete who has earned at least 2 Varsity Letters and demonstrates strong character, has a minimum 2.5 GPA, attends a two or four year accredited college and is need based. Need determined by MHS administration based on FAFSA. Award sent to the college.

Value: $4,000 award ($1,000 per year), to be awarded through 2020

Recipient selected by: High School Athletic Director


Robert A. Martin Scholarship

Established in honor of Robert A. Martin, a biology, chemistry and physics teacher at Plainville High School from 1939. He became principal of MHS in 1953. In 1970 he moved to the new MHS building, retired in 1973, and passed away in 2000. Room C-20 is named in his honor. Check from Dave Martin. This award is given to a MHS senior. Award given to recipient. Award presented to recipient by Mike Hanley.

Value: $500-$1,000 annual award ($1,000 for 2014)

Recipient selected by: MHS Science teachers


The Dave Deeter Fund

Established in memory of The Mariemont School Foundation’s first president, David Deeter. The award is made to a MHS graduating senior considered outstanding in video technology or the arts. In addition, distributions are made from this fund for performing, studio and video art related expenses. Award sent to college.

Value: $1,000 annual award

Recipient selected by: Head of the Video Technology Department following blind review of student applications


Julia Donnelly Memorial Fund

Established in honor of a student who passed away when she was a junior in a car accident. She would have been a 2009 graduate. She was interested in journalism. Her family directs the fund. They have given to the English Department. They have set up a $1,000 scholarship to be given each year for 10 years ending in May, 2018. Application is through the MHS common application for scholarships.

Value: $1,000 annual award

Recipient selected by: English Department and Julia’s family


Susan Davis-Ali Women in Tech Fund



Special Needs


The KEH Angel Fund

Established by Bill Herkamp to honor his wife, Karen’s, dedication to the Mariemont School District, to assist students in financial need.

Value: The fund was started with $20,000, received other donations.

Recipient selected by: Requests are channeled through the School District Superintendent. 

NOTE: This fund is available to assist district families in financial need during the global health crisis.  If you need help, please visit the I Need Help page on the district website for more information.


Friday Night Out Fund

Established by an anonymous donor to provide extracurricual experiences for students with disabilities while simultaneous providing an evening off for their parents.

Debbie Hayes, HS Intervention Specialist and Tricia Buchert, Director of Student Services, coordinate the activities.


Warrior Run/ Mental Health Programming

Funded by a grant from the Cincinnati Warrior Run in support of Mental Health programming in the District, in exchange for encouraging District participation in, and awareness of, the event.

Tricia Buchert, Director of Student Services, coordinates programming.




Herkamp Baseball Fund

Established by Bill and Karen Herkamp to assist the Mariemont baseball team with various activities.


Warriors Athletic Facilities Campaign Fund

Established by the Athletic Boosters for Kusel Stadium turf replacement and athletic facilities improvements throughout the District.

Value: The fund was started with $40,000 with a goal of reaching $200,000. Many distributions already made.

Projects selected by: Mariemont Athletic Director




Class of 1981 Gift

Established by Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Donn Davis on behalf of the Class of 1981 to fund the purchase and operation of a popcorn maker for the High School Cafeteria. Initial grant of $10,000 made in November 2015.


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