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How does the Mariemont School Foundation differ from other fundraising organizations in the district?

Mariemont Schools are fortunate to have involved and committed parents and alumni who have provided generous support to the schools via groups such as the PTO, PTA, Boosters, and the Fine Arts organizations. These organizations have made major gifts to the schools and are very deserving of your support. The Mariemont School Foundation often collaborates with these groups to efficiently raise funds. For example, the Foundation worked closely with the Natatorium Committee to secure a $10,000 grant from the Emery Foundation for the completion of the natatorium renovation. However, the Foundation endowment campaign is the ideal vehicle for donors who want their donated funds to have a long-term impact on the school district.


Why is private fundraising becoming so important in school districts?

The tax base used to generate funds for public schools is being compromised by several factors. The state of Ohio continues to adjust how schools are funded by taxes. These changes have reduced the percentage of our district's budget that is funded through the state, and there is uncertainty about future changes and how they will impact the Mariemont schools. Separately, the business tax on inventories is being reduced to make Ohio a more favorable location to start a business. While this is good for businesses, schools are funded in part by this inventory tax and they will have to operate without this traditional source of revenue. Finally in recent years it is getting ever more difficult to pass school levies. As this public funding for schools is squeezed, it becomes imperative for high-performing districts to generate private funds in order to maintain their level of excellence.


How are funds allocated?

Money raised during the Annual Fund Drive are dispersed for worthy projects during the school year. Any leftover monies from that fund drive will be invested in the endowment. The interest generated from the endowment fund can be used to fund projects on an as-needed basis, although the goal would be to reinvest the income in order to build up the endowment for future needs.


Do other school districts have school foundations?

Yes! Like private college and university endowments, more and more public K-12 school districts are establishing foundations. In Cincinnati the "peer group" schools that are often associated with Mariemont have large and well-established foundations with multi-million dollar endowment funds. Now is the time for Mariemont schools to be protected with this type of funding.


How can I get involved?

There are many ways to get involved with the School Foundation. For donation information, click on Ways to Give.  The Foundation also needs volunteers during the year to accomplish specific tasks, such as event organizing, website updating, and mailing. If you are interested in helping with a specific event or in general, just click on Contact Us.


Why does the Mariemont School District need a Foundation?

The Mariemont School Foundation is the only organization that works for the benefit of all four schools in the school district, in all community neighborhoods. The valuable insight of trustees from Fairfax, Mariemont, Columbia Township and Terrace Park ensures that benefit is given to all areas of education in the entire school district and across all age groups.


If you have any additional questions, please contact us at

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